Monthly Writings

Evaluations and reviews of the latest in the field.

Is Your Artificial Intelligence Biased?


  • Pre-existing healthcare bias in artificial intelligence (AI) models may impact performance outcomes.

  • Unknown encoded patient characteristics into an AI models will result in significant performance disparities between groups of patients.

  • Current understanding of these limitations is limited, however, AI models need fairness, transparency and accountability prior to selection for use


  • The use of AI is revolutionizing clinician accuracy, providing timely diagnoses and in the development of treatment plans.

  • However, if the AI model has a pre-existing healthcare bias toward inequality, the results could cause a significant disparity in performance between patient subgroups.

  • Existing AI models may already be encoded with biases which are not effectively explained by the clinical features of the model resulting in  an amplification of suboptimal outcomes.

  • In addition to evaluating the clinical features and readiness of AI models, clinicians need to evaluate potential bias.

Likely AI Biases and Possible Solutions

4 COMMON (but not only) SOURCES OF BIAS:

  • Dataset Composition:

    • Underrepresented disadvantaged subgroups  in the development group.

    • Bias can also be introduced as the AI learns from the dataset.

    • Solution:

      • Ensure dataset is pre-processed.

      • Bias within the dataset should be documented.

      • Reweighting of unintended features to provide statistically independent outcomes.

  • Unintended Patient Sensitive Information:

    • AI models can identify patient characteristics (race, gender) and use them in outcomes, even when the characteristics are not associated with the diagnosis.

    • Even after removal of sensitive information, AI models can use other factors for predictions.

    • Solution:

      • A framework offering a metric based approach to ensure similar patients are indeed grouped together and similar.

  • Inherited Disparities:

    • AI models can inherit disparities from medical data by learning to depend on relationships from unrelated input features and using them to generate outcomes.

    • Lack of clarity of which data is used in model predictions contributes to these disparities.

    • Solution:

      • Detailed understanding how the encoded input parameters are to be used in the model prediction algorithm.

      • Algorithmic transparency

  • AI Learning and Evolution Bias:

    • Limited data exists on  the impact of AI learning and algorithm evolution from additional data on potential bias of outcomes.

    • Solution:

      • De-biasing techniques employed during the intra and post-processing phase to minimize performance disparities.


  • For many existing AI applications, inherent bias may already be embedded within the algorithm, contributing to questionable outcomes.

  • The concern includes encoded patient characteristics as well as AL model learning, leading to disparities in patient subgroups.

  • Evaluation of AI models to minimize bias would include evidence of advanced fairness, transparency and accountability.

Erkan Hassan