Monthly Writings

Evaluations and reviews of the latest in the field.

Successful Rural Community Telemedicine Deployment


  • Rural communities would like to use telemedicine to access care, but services need to be implemented correctly the first time.

  • The model of deployment will vary based on differing community needs

  • Rural telemedicine is not just about the existence of broadband, but rather the quality of the coverage.


Barriers - Advantages and Disadvantages:

Advantages and Disadvantages to Rural Telemedicine Services

  •  Favorable outcomes for Patients Depends on:

    • Patient acuity and health condition to be treated

    • Health system infrastructure

    • Local workforce capabilities accommodating the increased demand

  • TRUST: Easy to lose but hard to regain, therefore, implement correctly the first time

  • 3 Major Trust Areas:

    • Trust in Connectivity: Avoid unreliable or unstable connectivity

    • Trust in Persons Ability to Use Technology

      • Includes both patient and provider

      • Age is NOT a factor

      • Lack of knowledge of digital technology is key

    • Trust in the Health Care System

      • The telemedicine system should be designed WITH the community rather than FOR the community

  • CHOICE: 3 major choice areas

    • Choice in Health Service Access

      • Access to specialized care options

      • Access to mental health options

      • Travel considerations: combine telemedicine visits with other activities (i.e. shopping, library, social activities, medication pick up, etc)

    • Choice in Consultation Type: video, phone, tablet, text email, etc.

    • Choice in Telehealth Deployment:

      • Patients are very comfortable using digital technology

      • Home is the preferred site

      • However, a “Hub” model is acceptable as long as security is ensured.

      • Locations such as:

        • Community Hall

        • Rural local hospital

        • Primary care building

        • Mobil options (traveling busses for screenings, dental , etc).


  • Local rural communities need to be involved in designing telehealth services.

  • Maintaining trust and providing choice in health care access are key enablers of the rural telehealth experience.

Erkan Hassan